ECOM does not collect personally-identifying information about You (such as Your name, address, telephone number, or email address) unless You voluntarily submit that information to ECOM through our Contact page or Customer/Distributor login. Any such voluntarily provided information may be used for our internal business and marketing purposes and may be disclosed to third parties for such purposes. If at any time You wish to have personally-identifying information removed from our database or to make changes or corrections to personally-identifying information previously submitted by You, please submit your request in writing to: ECOM America, Ltd,, 1628 Oakbrook Drive, Gainesville, GA 30507, Attn: Marketing, and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
ECOM uses cookies to assist in online marketing initiatives through third party vendors to serve online advertisements based on your visit(s) to ECOM Websites. Cookies are small files that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) and enables sites or service provider systems to recognize your browser, capture and remember certain anonymous information.
We do not honor any "do not track" requests sent from a web browser. Our site collects personally identifiable information from visitors and tracks their online activity.
Third parties may use our site to collect personally identifiable information and information about a visitor’s online activities.